
What Is The Most Appropriate Work Methodology For My Company

Methodology in an environment as changing as the current one, companies that incorporate new, more dynamic work models increase their capacity to respond to changes and unforeseen situations, gaining flexibility and immediacy and remaining in the race for innovation.

How Does A Work Methodology Help This Process?

The common denominator of the work methodologies is that they all serve to standardize, structure, and organize processes, shortening the learning curve of the teams.

By approaching all projects from a homogeneous approach, a continuous improvement process is produce that allows us to identify successes and learn from mistakes. However other words, methodologies are tools that make teams more efficient as they are use.

In this article, we successfully talk about some of the methodologies most currently use by companies, whether at the level of work team management, product development, or definition of business models. In future articles, we will delve into about of them.

1 – Agile Methodologies

Unlike traditional or waterfall methodologies, agile methodologies adapt the way of working to the conditions of the project, achieving flexibility and immediacy in the response. Although they arise in software development, they can be use in any company and sector.

According to a study by the Scheme Management Institution, companies that use agile methodologies achieve 30% more profits than those that continue to rely on traditional methods.

Depending on the nature of the project and the degree of maturity of the company in the use of Agile, it is convenient to use one framework or another, the most common being:

  • Scrum: divides the project into small blocks (sprints), planned and reviewed continuously.
  • Kanban: uses visual techniques to quickly and easily check where each task is.
  • XP (Extreme Programming): divides the project into phases and, in each of them, performs a complete cycle of analysis, design,  development and testing.

In This Article, We Tell You What Differences There Are Between The Three.

2 – Design Thinking

In this methodology, the problem is first defined, and then the solutions are implemented, bearing in mind the needs of the users/customers at all times.

Putt the client at the center of innovation serves to detect their deepest motivations and be able to anticipate their needs, designing product or services with their experience in mind.

The process consists of five stages:

  • Empathize: understand the users’ needs for whom the innovation is intended.
  • Define: identify the needs that will be key to obtaining an innovative result.
  • Ideate: generate endless options to respond to the needs detected.
  • Prototype: build prototypes that help visualize the possible solutions identified.
  • Test: test the prototypes with the users involved in the solution that we are developing.

However is about finding a new way of Thinking that stimulates teams’ creativity in multiple fields of activity in organizations and combined with other methodologies.

3 – Lean Start-Up

The Lean Startup methodology continually seeks to deliver more value to the user or client by minimizing waste and eliminating everything that does not add value to the process.

It is based on a create-measure-learn circle :

  • ideas are transform to create products,
  • customer reaction and behaviour are measure against a minimum viable product,
  • and you learn to persevere or pivot on the business idea.

Shortening the product development cycle makes it easier to change direction with agility.

However although born from the world of startups, in which a product is create under conditions of extreme uncertainty, Lean Startup can be applied both by an entrepreneur who only has an idea and a large company.

4-Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology aim at improving processes to increase their profitability and productivity.

To do this, a process structured in five phases, the DMAIC method, is applied to each project :

  • Define the project, the problem, and the value for the client and the team.
  • Measure, and identify improvement solutions.
  • Analyze using statistical tools that help identify failures and causes.
  • Improve, incorporating changes that increase performance.
  • Control, ensuring that maintenance controls are establish for the improvements made.

This method identifies sources of error and ways to eliminate them. However generating greater customer satisfaction and economic savings.


Each of the methodologies that we have discussed continues to be a frame of reference that will work better in some cases than others. It is more important to have methods than to choose which one to implement.

Implementing a work methodology (regardless of what it is) already provides. A competitive advantage for companies since it establishes a framework that allows action. Measurement, learning and improvement, minimizing risks.

For the selected methodology to have a tangible impact on the business. However is essential to adapt it to the reality of each company. And to have the total commitment of the management. Moreover leaders must be the engine that drives change and creates cultures aligned with the new way to work. To motivate teams and achieve maximum efficiency.

Moreover management 3.0 makes the definitive leap in team management in this task by redefining leadership as a group responsibility. However is a leadership model that fosters the motivation and commitment of people. Involving everyone in the transformation and growth of the organization.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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