
The Change Of Daily Habits Caused By The Internet

Until a few years ago, when someone wanted to go to the movies, they called by phone to check the movie times. In each house, there was an encyclopedia and the letters were written by hand on a sheet of paper. The Internet has given a radical change to many of our daily habits. And today cinema tickets are reserved through the web, we find any information on the Internet and the mail is electronic.

The digital transformation has shaped a new world, with increasingly accelerated changes, which makes it difficult to tell what the future will be like.

Regardless of age, place of birth, or gender, almost everyone uses the Internet regularly. New technologies have revolutionized the way we do things. Before, it seemed like science fiction that a mobile parking meter application would make it easier for you to pay for parking without coins. Today, however, this is possible. And it makes the lives of many people much more comfortable.

The Internet has impacted our lives like a meteorite and many people can no longer even live offline.

Instant Communication

You don’t consume to go back far to find the ancient custom of handwritten letters. Often, we would wait a week or two, from when we sent it, until we received a response in our mailbox. With the Internet came email and instant messaging.

People started sending and receiving messages in a matter of seconds. And this changed the way we communicate with each other. All those direct contacts, hundreds of emails or social media updates we receive every day would not have been possible without the Internet. We now live in a much more connected world.

What We Want, Within Our Reach

About twenty years ago, the only way to consult a geographical or political map, find out about a historical figure or gather information about an epic battle was to open an encyclopedia.

But the Internet search engines arrived, and a new and vast universe of information and data opened up to anyone with an Internet assembly.

Countless Possibilities

Anything we look for is on the Internet, and we can find it instantly. There is an immense collection of resources that is not only made up of information and data, but also of applications, products that we can buy online, trips that we can book, human relationships that we can establish and jobs that we can find and even perform from home thanks to technology.

The Net has brought online shopping and even auctioning with people from all over the world, which has changed the traditional ways of commerce.

Our Lives Are Different

The printing of photographs, telephone booths, and recording television programs on VHS are other activities that have fallen into disuse due to digital advances. Travel agencies are becoming a thing of the past as more and more people choose to book online.

Music Habits

The youngest don’t even know what a vinyl record or turntable is. And even some are beginning to make strange faces when they are told about a CD. Now the music goes on mobile phones or tablets, and it sounds through applications and multimedia players and thanks to the inexhaustible source of themes that the Internet represents.

Banks And Maps

Paying bills at the bank office and checking a map before or during a car trip are no longer habits that are part of everyday life. Thanks to GPS and mobile phones, a voice tells us each direction of a branch that we must take or how many kilometers remain to reach our destination.

Also, the popularity of smartphones has eliminated the need for paper phone books and address books. It is rare that, at some point of the day, we do not have a device with an Internet connection nearby. An average citizen not only has a desktop computer, but also has a laptop, tablet, mobile phone and smart TV screen habits.

All these circumstances are affecting the way we live. Technology offers us comfort, saves us time, gives us operability and agility and, many times, also provides us with entertainment.


Therefore, new technologies facilitate the balance between family and work life. We have made smart devices and the Internet our allies, to the point that, many times, we do not realize how many irreplaceable memories and personal documents we keep in them.


But the Internet has solutions for almost everything. And, faced with the risk of losing, for example, all your honeymoon photos, emails from that special person or the diary that you have been accumulating for months, you have the possibility of dumping all the content of your devices in the spaces of memory that each Internet provider offers to the email user. They are free spaces that are hosted in the cloud. You can access the material you deposit there from any point with an Internet connection, which avoids the risk of loss or deletion if an electronic device is damaged, lost or stolen.

Online Studies

The time is getting earlier and closer when we can say that going to class is a thing of the past. Online teaching is making its way, with significant growth in recent years that does not seem to stop.

To this you have to add the growing data that supports the theory that online education is more productive, personalized and adaptable than face-to-face education.

Human Relations

Sometimes, we forget how we lived in the pre-Internet era habits. Much of what we do now is different, due to our ability to log onto the web and be instantly connected to the rest of the world. A clear example is that of human relations.

The concept of friendship is not the same since social networks appeared. Before, a friend was perhaps something much more serious and solemn. On the contrary, now we can easily have hundreds of friends and, furthermore, anywhere in the world thanks to social networks.

Perhaps we have never seen them in person. Perhaps we have never traveled to their countries of origin, but with an average of 350 to 500 friends on Facebook, the possibilities at our disposal are much more significant. However, if social networks suddenly disappeared, we would never interact with those people again.

Romances Online

Going out for drinks to look for our better half has become a bit old-fashioned. One of the things that has changed the most in the Internet age is the way we get a romantic date. We are becoming more and more comfortable to look for love. However the Internet offers us contact pages and applications in which we can filter according to our tastes and preferences. The old art of romantic conquest is in the doldrums.

More News Around The World

Gone are the days when paper newspapers were the most reliable and common source of information for the average family. The Internet has brought about a profound change in journalism and the way in which citizens access news. The information now arrives through the desktop. Laptop or mobile computer and through alarms that go off to report almost seconds after an event has occurred.

When you traveled abroad years ago, you only found a few headers from your country in the newsagents. Now the Internet gives you the possibility of consulting. The digital edition of any newspaper in the world, from any country where you are.

Online Movies And Series

In the 80s, if you missed a movie or series. You could only enjoy it if it was rerun on television. Therefore, you could spend months and even years waiting. Moreover the birth of the Internet. Millions of moviegoers and series fans around the world rubbed their eyes. Incredulous at the multiple possibilities of getting their favorite movie or series without having to wait.

Now almost anything can be streamed online. Music is available on Spotify or iTunes and movies are on Netflix. There are on-demand television and streaming broadcasts. And, if you are nostalgic and want to rewatch a program. Documentary or music video that, in its day, marked you. You can use YouTube to many forms of search that always give results.

Online Art And Literature

Writers, artists and other creatives are finding new ways to spread their work on the Internet. Some renowned writers have already published some of their books only through online reading platforms. Blogs, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest accounts habits, or websites are some ways to build bridges between artists and their public.

Online Sports

However, we even see streaming sports broadcasts habits. And we bet online, and it is a growing trend. Young people. Moreover and more, watch sports online, to the detriment of television.

However Internet has brought about a revolution. And everything indicates that, in the future. There will continue to be changes that will continue to transform our life habits. Adapting to them and using them in the way that benefits us. The most are possibilities that are in our hands.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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