
Tablets As New Laptops

In the era of digitization, dependence on electronic devices like laptops is absolute. Technology is present in all areas of our lives: at work, in schools, in shops, in places of leisure, and, of course, at home.

Thus, smartphones have established themselves as one more extension of our body. We are talking about the quintessential device, and however, its usefulness diminishes when we need to take a step beyond interaction or entertainment.

In this way, tablets or laptops emerge strongly to meet our daily needs. Their versatility, their effectiveness and, above all, their mobility have made them the best routine partners.

Tablet, Laptop Or Hybrid?

In this digital environment, deciding which device to buy is more complex than ever. Until not long ago, the desktop computer was one of the essentials in the house and one of the main protagonists. But today, it is being unseated.

The Tablet, That Safe Value

First of all, we will focus on the characteristics of the tablet to try to show that it is a great choice.

1. Regarding The Dimension

Size is one of the aspects that we take into account the most when choosing one or another terminal.

In this sense, the tablet is the lightest and easiest portable digital device to transport.

Similarly, even the smallest laptop is heavier than a tablet, and it is evident that the keyboard, the trackpad and other internal components affect that weight.

So mobility and portability become the strengths of the tablet. We are talking about a device that does not exceed half a kilo in weight or 12 inches in size. So transporting it is simple.

2. The form of data entry laptops

The operation of the tablet is simple, and everything is done through its touch screen. Although it is true, many users do not find writing by this method effortless.

For this reason, the manufacturers of these devices include peripheral elements such as portable keyboards or mice to improve usability.

3. Due to its storage capacity laptops

If, in your case, you need to save a large amount of information, in this case, the battle would probably be won by the laptop, especially if you don’t want to spend a lot of money.

Storage in tablets is done through chip memory, which despite having a much higher performance than laptop storage, its price is much higher in terms of speed and consumption.

4. Performance depending on the task

If you are going to use it to browse, watch videos, listen to music or write emails, both devices are suitable. We could even ensure that the tablet is more efficient in this case.

But if, on the other hand, you need to install much more complex applications or you are going to use it for simultaneous tasks, then you may need a laptop.

In the case of using it to take notes or annotations in meetings or interviews, the tablet would be the best workhorse.

5. Concerning autonomy

Considering this factor, there is no doubt that the tablet’s efficiency is excellent. And it is that its components are profiled to guarantee the optimal duration of the device.

Therefore, you can find devices that ensure a range of ten hours. An unattainable duration for most laptops (at least those with more affordable prices).

6. Regarding the money invested

Despite what it may seem, the money invested does not differ so much. And it is that tablets of such high quality have been launched on the market that their price exceeds that of laptops, and we are talking about an investment that can exceed one thousand euros.

However, when investing, you have to assess the use you will give it, the capacity you need, and the device’s autonomy. And in order not to make a mistake, it is best always to seek the advice of professionals.

7. Because of its speed and immediacy

We are facing another of the essential points. And is that the loading speed and immediacy provided by this type of technology are unparalleled.

Both booting and opening applications are designed to work instantly, and the process is much lighter than in the case of laptops and, above all, desktops.

8. Media consumption

Undoubtedly, the overall design of the device and the distribution of all its elements are designed for multimedia consumption.

That is why the laptop is often created to generate content and the tablet to consume it.

We do not intend to raise the points discussed to the level of absolute truth, but we consider that a tablet is an element. So they are fully capable of competing with a laptop in terms of performance, price and autonomy.

In short, this device wins for its portability, functionality and easy handling. Likewise, its autonomy is ideal for browsing or playing, which elevates it to the category of the perfect travel companion for the little ones.

If, in your case, you are looking for that ideal device to accompany you in your educational stage, keep in mind that the tablet can fulfil the functions of a laptop. In addition, there are already desktop computers in academic centres, so if you have a fixed computer at home, do not hesitate and opt for a tablet.

And why not bet on a hybrid?

What are we referring to when we talk about a hybrid? It is a convertible device, and that is, it can acquire the form of a tablet or a laptop.

Essentially, it’s a laptop with a touchscreen attached to it with a swivel stand, giving it the functionality of a tablet.

Also, it is possible to divide the screen keyboard into two parts. So we can decide what use we will give it depending on the task to be perform.

In addition, this trend is consolidating in the current markets. With them, the brands try to offer maximum flexibility through a light, versatile and easy-to-handle device.

What Advantages Does The Hybrid Offer Us?

  • It involves less investment since we have a two for one.
  • It offers a touch screen of a larger size.
  • Its support allows you to leave the device standing.
  • It includes processors with high power.
  • It contains pointer system that are very sensitive to pressure, ideal for creatives.

Tips for buying a tablet

The most challenging part that we face when we are going to acquire a new electronic device is, without a doubt, the great variety that exists in the market. We are face with a lot of models with endless features. What should we do?

1. Set the budget

This is the point from which to start. Depending on what we are willing to spend, we can go one way or another.

The possibilities are endless. Therefore, the budget will determine our journey until the final choice.

2. Choose the operating system

In the tablet universe, the possibilities go beyond Android or Ios; since you can also choose Windows and Fire OS.

Once you have decided on one or the other, you must choose the device containing the most recent version of the operating system you have chosen.

3. Screen size

Dimensions range from 7 to 13 inches. A smaller size will be ideal for use as a multimedia device, and a larger size will be suitable for generating the content, so you’ll probably need to get a keyboard.

– Between 7 and 8 inches for multimedia use

If you want to watch movies, read on the way home or work, or maybe play games, this size is enough.

The best? You will have good tablets at your fingertips for a price that does not exceed 200 euros.

– Between 9 and 10 inches for heterogeneous use

The larger the size, the more possibilities; this is obvious. If you intend to give it a heterogeneous use, it is better to opt for a larger size.

As for the price, you will find good alternatives between 300 and 400 euros.

– More than 10 inches is to work

If you plan to use it professionally, you should opt for a larger size: generating the content, publications, etc. This site is correct.

In addition, you can add extra elements and complete its functionality.

4. The resolution

There are tablets with Full HD and 4K resolution. This choice will depend (like everything in life) on the use that will be given to it.

Ultimately, the final choice will depend on the needs of each user. You must focus on the user to make the right choice.

And, of course, do not forget to value both the strengths and the weaknesses. Remember that you intend to make this element your faithful travel companion.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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