
SMS Marketing: What It Is And How To Put It Into Practice

SMS marketing is an exciting strategy for brands that want to reach consumers quickly and effectively. That makes it an excellent way to surprise people in a short amount of time. After all, 90% of SMS are read in less than 3 minutes, leading to higher sales.

What is SMS Marketing?

It is a technique that uses SMS sending to impact the consumer using professional and instant messages. These short messages are intend to communicate exciting opportunities, updates, offers, and alerts to customers.

Although other platforms have made significant progress, the reality is that SMS is still very effective and is a strategic resource to be use in marketing.

What is SMS marketing used for?

They can be used in various ways. Some of the cases where it is a good idea to send bulk SMS are:

Short-term promotions from retailers or e-commerce

Promotions and coupons are an excellent way to attract more people to the store or website. If a promotion is carried out for a limited time, it is convenient to reach more individuals, and SMS is a perfect channel for this.

Urgent updates on events or customer orders

In an event, there can be changes in its planning and execution. The more people attend the event, the more complicated it is to communicate the information. With SMS, this is solved since cancellations, changes or updates are quickly report.

Appointment Reminders

If appointments are given in a business, it’s frustrating when some customers forget appointments and are late or don’t show up. That affects the schedule and has given that space of time to another person. One solution is to send SMS to make sure clients don’t forget their appointment.

What are the advantages of SMS in your strategy?

We can find several advantages when implementing SMS in our Marketing strategies, apart from the well-known cost-benefit.

  • It has a high open-rate. Its advantage is that it is deliver in seconds and has an opening rate of 98%. In addition, it is necessary for success that the message is clear, direct and concise.
  • Get a more attractive company. Sending the messages is a way to show customers that the company knows about trends and developments.
  • Help build customer loyalty. To get more loyalty, we can send customers texts with relevant information, promotions on specific dates, etc.
  • Tips to optimize the sending of [SMS] Marketing

We can create an SMS marketing campaign taking into account a series of essential steps:

1. Define the objectives

It is not a matter of sending SMS messages right and left but knowing what we want to communicate in the message. In other words, before starting the campaign, the goal that is expect to be achieve must be establishe

2. Create your customer database

If you already know the objective to achieve with your SMS Marketing campaigns, the next thing is to create a customer database that wishes to receive this type of communication. If customers are not ask for permission, we could incur a crime.

3. Remember that you only have 160 characters for your content

SMS Marketing has a maximum of 160 characters, so the message must be concise and direct, always including a link to unsubscribe from the service to give the client the possibility of cancelling the sending of messages. [SMS] at any time.

4. Do not abuse the sending of SMS

If you send too many SMS, there may come a time when customers feel it is a nuisance and even more so if you have not asked for their consent to send them the messages. Moreover, it can even be consider spam.

5. Study well what to put in your SMS

Many times it is not necessary to offer promotions. However It is enough to make the customer feel essential to understand that the offer is not for everyone. An [SMS] also gets feedback to improve the service and learn about customer satisfaction.

6. Analysis and Tests

After developing and applying the SMS Marketing project, However it is convenient to analyze what has worked well and not and correct errors. We can evaluate criteria to know if a campaign has been successful or not, such as the click rate, conversions and bounces.

In conclusion, SMS Marketing campaigns have a high success rate and can work perfectly combined with other channels. But we must also consider certain elements such as schedules or the way we address the client so that it works correctly.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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