
Pay With Mobile. All You Need To Know

According to mobile data from Statista (a portal specializing in market research and analysis), the number of users who use proximity payments is expected to reach one billion in 2020. Until now and throughout 2019, more than 900 million people will use their mobiles to make payments. This method of carrying out transactions has finished consolidating its growth thanks to improvements in security and its ease of use. It is enough to bring the mobile phone close to the POS terminal to confirm the payment.

Mobile payments are as secure as a credit card, but many are still reluctant to use them. If you are part of that group, we do not want to convince you, but we are going to clarify how they work, exactly, and what advantages this payment method offers.

Mobile Payments, How Do They Work?

There are many different technologies for making proximity payments, but mobile prices and contactless cards are the most common in regular businesses.

Does the mobile phone need any additional technology to make payments?

The smartphone must be compatible with NFC or MST systems, which are responsible for carrying out the transaction, and allow the exchange of information between the POS and your mobile phone.

NFC stands for Near Field Communication. When it appeared it was the great candidate to replace Bluetooth, but its functionality has been adapted. It allows the exchange of data between devices that are less than 20 centimeters.

Your card probably has this technology: contactless cards are already quite common in establishments that allow you to pay without having to insert the card (simply by bringing it closer to the POS). They should also allow you to make payments with your mobile phone. The process is the same, if you have configured a payment method on your phone you just need to bring it closer, just like the card.

MTS is a system that few forms of payment use, but it has one main advantage: it works with any POS. Simply bring your terminal closer to the slot where the card is inserted to carry out the transaction.

Are Mobile Phone Payments Safe?

Yes. It would not make sense for both banks and technology companies to develop an unreliable payment method. The application hides your banking information through virtual cards to protect sensitive data, and not share it with the establishment.

Another way to operate is by keeping the data encrypted and requesting confirmation with biometric systems, such as your fingerprint or facial recognition.

Is There A Commission For Making Payments With The Mobile?

Today, paying with the mobile is equivalent to paying by card, so there are no commissions either by establishments or by banks.

What Is The Minimum Or Maximum Amount That I Can Pay With My Mobile?

Mobile payment works just like any other method, so you can pay any amount. In local businesses there is usually a minimum cost of 10 euros for card payments; they are supposed to set the same minimum amount for mobile payments.

What Merchants Are Compatible With Mobile Payments?

Currently you can use this method in almost all establishments. Food chains, franchises and businesses where the products have a medium-high price range have contactless technologies to allow this type of payment. Normally, businesses that allow it have a symbol visible from the outside that indicates that it is possible to pay with your smartphone.

How Can I Pay With My Mobile?

Now that you know the characteristics of this system, perhaps you are curious to know how to make a payment with your mobile. Well, the first thing you should do is check that your phone supports this type of technology. If your smartphone incorporates an NFC chip, it is able to make payments with the mobile. The only thing you need now is an application to manage them.

– Otherwise, there are alternatives, and banks have their own solutions so that no customer is left without enjoying their alternative payment method.

– Many Asian manufacturers incorporate limited NFC chips in their devices, that is, they only work with payment methods, or applications owned by the brand or manufacturer. Check this aspect before purchasing a terminal and realize when it is already too late. In any case, this practice is less and less common.

Set Up Your Mobile To Make Payments

To be able to make payments with your smartphone, the first thing you must do is activate connectivity. You can do it from the quick settings panel that is displayed when you drag your finger from the top of the device, or by going to the connectivity settings.

Next, set up your preferred payment method by following these steps:

  1. Go to System Settings, and go to Applications.
  2. Tap on the Default Applications option.
  3. Once inside, look for the Touch and Pay option and inside, choose the application that you want to use in a certain way.

What applications exist to pay with the mobile? Are they compatible with my bank?

Even if your phone includes NFC technology, this does not guarantee that you will be able to pay with your mobile. If your bank is incompatible with this type of payment, you will not be able to use the phone to carry out transactions in shops, but there are more and more entities that allow it due to the growing demand.

Here is a list of the different applications to pay and the banks that allow you to use them.


The Californian company wants to bet heavily on this payment method, and what was previously known as Android Pay is now a versatile and multi-device platform under the Google Pay brand. The banks that allow the use of Google Pay are the following:

  • BBVA
  • Bankia
  • edenred
  • open bank
  • Mediolanum Bank
  • American Express Spain
  • Prepaid Financial Services
  • N26
  • Sodexo
  • Revolut
  • March Banking
  • rebellion

How to use Google Pay? Go to the Play Store and download the application. Once downloaded, associate a credit or debit card (payment method), or a PayPal account, if you have one. It allows you to pay with your smartphone and any device or wearable, such as a smartwatch. Easier impossible.

The best thing about activating Google Pay is that it will remain associated with your Google account, allowing you to make payments in a multitude of applications and platforms with total security.


Samsung was one of the first companies to bet on the introduction of this payment method in Spain. His capacity for initiative has allowed him to position himself and take advantage of his competitors. It is currently the payment method supported by most popular banks among Spanish citizens.

The entities that allow the use of Samsung Pay are:

  • Bank
  • Santander
  • Bankia
  • Sabadell
  • CaixaBank
  • open bank
  • Cetelem
  • Image Bank
  • The English Court
  • WiZink

As you can guess, the only drawback is that you need a Samsung brand device or wearable that is compatible and allows you to use it. There were rumors about the development of an application for Android devices, but the idea has been excluded from our borders and only exists in some Asian countries.

Samsung Pay Setup: The process is similar to the above. Once the application is downloaded, all you have to do is take a photo of the card with your camera to scan it or enter the data manually. And that’s it!

Bank-Specific Payment Services

In addition to the developments of large technology companies, financial institutions have also got down to work. If you haven’t seen your bank on any of the above lists, don’t give up hope just yet. In our country there are many banks that have their own methods.

It does not matter if your phone has NFC, there are cases for devices that, in addition to protecting it, incorporate this chip. Many banks send you stickers at home to stick to your phone, which also has an NFC chip. List of bank applications to pay with your mobile:

  • BBVA Wallet
  • SantanderPay
  • ABANCA Pay
  • CaixaBank Pay
  • Liberbank Pay
  • Kutxabank Pay
  • Sabadell Wallet
  • Ibercaja Pay
  • open bank


The Cupertino company has not wanted to be left out and seeing the movement of its two main rivals has decided to launch its own payment platforms. Of course, you can not only use an iPhone to pay, but any device of the brand, such as the Apple Watch.


As you can see, the options to pay with your mobile are very varied. There are more and more facilities offered by smart devices, and thanks to them now paying is easier and safer than ever. If the bank to which you belong does not appear in this article, consult an assistant at your bank because they may offer you an alternative.

Currently, mobile payments have a very high standard of security and trust, perhaps even more than a credit or debit card. Telephone payment technologies encrypt information during transactions, so your data is more protected.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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