
Cybersecurity Tips For Businesses

The widespread use of the Internet has made businesses vulnerable to cyberattacks. Computer security in the business environment is a growing concern. Every business bases a large part of its productivity on connectivity, whether to communicate between employees, do so with clients, or file essential documents or data. For this reason, cybersecurity has become a fundamental pillar in any company.

Every day, more extensive and small companies are becoming aware of the risks involved in not preventing cyber attacks. For this reason, the investment of the productive fabric in computer security has grown in recent years.

However, although progress has stood made in this area, many entities still see the danger as something more theoretical than real. They believe that only the bigger ones are at risk and that no cybercriminal would notice their businesses.

What is the consequence of this? In reality, it is the small and medium-sized companies that are the most exposed and, consequently, end up having to withstand a more significant number of attacks.

If you had bad intentions, who would you instead go up against a big company with colossal security and more data or a small company with zero security but less exciting data?

Cybercriminals seek to open security gaps in the computer systems of companies. For this reason, today we poverty to talk to you about cybersecurity in companies, its importance and some tips so that your company is protected.

What Is Cybersecurity businesses?

Computer security is a set of actions and measures that help you keep the information stored on your computers or in the cloud protected and secure.

If we extrapolate it to the simplest possible thing, for example, connecting your mobile phone in the morning, the fact of making the device itself ask you for a security code to start its operating system is a cybersecurity measure.

In this case, a security breach that you should avoid is to have a sticker on the back of your phone with your security number written on it so that you do not forget.

It is an elementary example, but it is very graphic and helps us understand the basics of computer security and the danger that failures in it can have. In a company, preventive plans must always be drawn up. In this way, you can protect yourself and prevent possible attacks.

You may have heard of computer security strategies such as antivirus, firewalls, complex passwords or Wi-Fi network protection, to name a few effective measures.

Figures Related To Computer Security

Mcafee, the security company, has released recent data and has come to some rather alarming conclusions. For example, during 2017 alone, computer attacks cost around 0.8% of global GDP. This means that they have cost close to 600 billion dollars. Only two crimes exceed this amount: corruption and drug trafficking.

With these numbers, it becomes clear that hackers remain at the fore front of technologies while companies are still trying to adapt, which poses a great danger. Its usual way of proceeding is to use a technique called ransomware, too, through a virus that steals data that companies have digitized, preventing them from accessing it.

This technique is very similar to a data hijacking since the next thing they do is ask for a ransom from the company in question to release that information.

Online security elements, therefore, are specially designed to prevent these attacks. On the one hand, they serve to protect the data that is collected digitally. On the other hand, they are used to keep the personal data of both clients and workers safe.

This is specially important now, with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), so that all sensitive company information remains protected.

Some Computer Security Tips That Will Keep Your businesses Protected

No one is exempt from cyberattacks, especially companies, as they possess a large amount of sensitive data that is very attractive to some computer criminals.

Attacks can cost you a great deal of money and greatly diminish your reputation.

What can you do? Let’s see some cybersecurity tips that you can practice in your company to be fully protected.

1. Store data properly businesses

You must know, at all times, who and where your company’s data is stored. In addition to the law requiring you to take special care with personal data, your computer security needs to keep records about it.

Some use different supports for them, whether they are local disks, the cloud, mobile devices, disk-based systems, or others.

Ensure to store all the information in secure spaces and prepare procedures for its treatment and action plans in case of security breaches.

The essential thing is that you audit the data you have and identify which of them are public and do not need protection, which ones are of some importance and should be assigned some security, and which ones are essential and should have strict security.

The latter is the most critical, as they are the ones that would affect your company the most if they were compromise.

2. Make regular backups and create restore points

Backups will make it possible for you to have regular backups, which can be crucial in losing all your files due to a cyber attack.

Depending on your volume of data, you can do them once a day or more or less frequently. It’s also important to see how to use restore points, which allow you to return any of your devices to the time before they started having problems.

3. Log access to data businesses

Prepare a list to know who can access specific data. Establish limited access, secure passwords and transparent procedures so that all workers know how to act in the event of failures in the security systems. In addition. The idea is to record each access at the time it occurs to identify the employee who carries it out.

4. Control the devices through which data is access

Telecommuting is a practice that has become very widespread in recent years. It requires making it easier for workers to use their computers, tablets or smartphones to carry out their work. This significantly increases the risks to which your company is expose.

One way to ensure the security of these processes is to activate a state-of-the-art device protection system. In this way, the devices will be able to establish communications with each other. But those who may be victims of an attack will be isolate.

5. Carry out a risk study businesses

It is not efficient to protect yourself from all the risks. As you would need a lot of time and a high budget. On the other hand, what facilitates your computer security is to carry out a risk study.

We’ve already discussed how hackers are always on the cutting edge of technology, so attacks constantly change and improve. For this reason, it is essential to work with tools that track any threat and that. In addition, act to eliminate it.

Some companies even hire their hackers to break your security and access your data. In this way, they can see their weak points and work to stop them from being so.

  1. Use solid passwords and encourage your employees to do the same

One of the good practices that all members of a company. That handles valuable data should acquire is the use of secure passwords. Avoid those that refer to names or dates of birth.

For greater security, it is recommend to intersperse letters with numbers and symbols and use upper and lower cases. The best passwords essentially have no meaning and are use only once. Although this only works if they are not note anywhere.

As you have seen, any precaution you take to maintain your company’s computer security is little. You know hackers are one step ahead, so at the very least, try to make it difficult for them. The ideal is to have a cybersecurity company that takes care of everything. He will be up to date in this field and will be able to assure you of more excellent protection. Than you can achieve on your own. On occasions like this, any expense ceases to be an expense to become an investment.

Tech Target Media

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Tech Target Media

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